Wednesday 22 May 2013

Suggestions for Electricity Resources by Mr. fareedquraishi

Dear! we do not need electricity but we need cheap rate electricity. As I mentioned not only electricity because the previous government brought rental power stations they could have used to lower the short fall but that is of no use because the rates could have gone beyond the reach of normal man.
Please be in mind that the high rate electricity will increase corruption too. The people will try to steal electricity, they may start doing corruption to pay off bills, etc etc. The rates of commodities will be increased due to high rates of electricity. So the impact would be very high and bad which we did not visualize.
In my opinion what we need:-
1. High taxes say 1000% on the import of Air conditioners so that even rich must think twice using Air Conditioner.
2. Strict ban of AC in Government Offices (should be removed)
3. Plan generation plan with respect to the date after 10 years .....If they today start some project and it will take almost 3-4-5 years to complete the difference of short fall will increase. So Vision of visionary leaders is required to cater for that difference in advance.
4. The most cheapest electricity we can get from Kalabagh dam ....which is compromised by all of our beloved leaders including NS, IK and others.
5. No tax on the import of wind mill equipment, UPS, small generators, Solar energy equipment etc
6. All street lights, garden lights, offices lights on solar energy.
7. Start working the European or Chinese way. Early offices, schools and markets and by Sunset closing of Markets....The nation have to compromised too for some time till the matter is resolved.
Lets see what our visionary leaders find out the solution.